I'd like to start right off by thanking Lackaffen for nominating me for this award. It took me a while to get this post up because her blog is in German, and even with the awesome abilities of google translate, I couldn't really figure out what to do. This award is for new and upcoming blogs with less than 200 followers. I'm honored that she liked my blog enough to nominate me for this!!
The rules for the award are to answer the questions posed to you by the blog that nominated you, nominate 20 more upcoming blogs with less than 200 followers and write 11 of your own questions for them. The blog that nominated me didn't answer the questions because they came from a cooking blog, but since she didn't pose any questions for me I decided to answer all these for you all!
The Questions:
1. What do you like cooking more? Meals or
I don’t cook
much, but when I do I like to make something either sweet like brownies or
something really spicy!
2. What’s more important on a person?
Personality or looks?
Personality is
definitely more important. It’s important to have someone you can trust and
rely on.
3. When did you start your blog?
I started my
blog around last June I believe, but after a couple posts I realized I didn’t
have the time and restarted at the beginning of this January.
4. Which person inspires you in your life to
start something new?
I don’t have a
single person that inspires me to do things. My friends and family inspire me
to do and try new things on a regular basis.
5. Which blogs do you read?
The blogs I read
are almost exclusively polish and nail art blogs.
6. Do you like cooking or do you like it
more if somebody cooks for you?
I like it more
when people cook for me. I know so many great chefs that I love trying their
7. Which book do you read now?
The only book I
read right now is my school textbook: Modern Blood Banking and Transfusion
8. Which clothes do you have the longest
I’m honestly not
sure. I have so many clothes in my closet; it would take me too long to figure
out what I've had the longest.
9. What is your favorite recipe?
My mom makes a
Georgian dish called Hachapuri; it’s like a cheese bread or pizza type thing.
It’s Amazing!!
10. What
is important in friendship?
Again, someone
you can trust and rely on and have a good time with!
11. What is your favorite movie?
The Gladiator!!
Here are the blogs I'm nominating. I can't quite think of 20, but I'll nominate more as I find them! Congrats you guys!!
And, here are my questions for you!
- Why did you start blogging?
- What is your favorite style of nail art?
- How long have you been blogging?
- What is your favorite aspect of having a blog?
- What is something unique about you?
- Where is your favorite vacation destination?
- If you could be anyone from history, who would you be?
- What do you do for work/ where do you go to school?
- What is your favorite food?
- What is a pet peeve of yours?
- What is your favorite TV show?
Thanks for reading this long post everyone and thank you again for the nomination!!
~Love Raine